I love seafood, and I don’t get to eat it enough. As soon as the holiday season starts, I beg people to eat crab with me. They’ll say no, and I spend the next few months wearing down their resolve until they go with me. I love seafood, and I would if I could eat it all the time. What’s the problem, then? I’m picky. I grew up eating fantastic seafood, and a trip to Safeway or Trader Joe’s isn’t inspiring enough to get me to want to eat. So when my co-workers heard me talk about how much I love snails, they decided to create an impromptu lunch trip to some out-of-the-way restaurant (and I use that word lightly; I was squatting on stools, scooping food into my mouth) to eat some seafood. We had snails grilled with chili peppers and limes. We had them salted and peppered. In a broth and with vegetables, We had octopus, a fish I didn’t recognize, and mussels. I hate mussels. I ate the mussels.

Eating my way to happiness
Eating my way to happiness
Eating my way to happiness

The flavors were perfect and straightforward. Now I feel like I want to do it all over again! So I will. I do. Tonight I’ve headed out again for my next adventure in street food. This time I don’t only want to eat good food; I want to know what I’m eating, where it came from, and why it’s so popular. I want to understand the street food scene, and my guide, Barbara from Saigon Street Eats, is the perfect person to take me on this adventure. I’m a big fan of joining tours to make new friends. It’s essential when you travel solo to connect with people. My fun lunch with my co-workers made me curious about the dishes I saw. My hunger for knowledge means I’ve got to seek out a kindred spirit in this beautiful chaos we call Sai Gon.

I don’t know what kind of luck follows me on my adventures, but my trip with Barbara and Vu was terrific. Impressive in flavors, in the company, and just overall experience. I ate through the seafood trail and had some crazy and fun dishes. We started out at a tiny restaurant. Honestly, I can’t even call it that. The chefs were cooking the food on a grill, in the rain, on the sidewalk, and near a gutter. I sat on chairs so small I was sure there were made for 3-year-olds, and I was always worried that some motorbike would swoop up next to me. In a word, it was ‘perfect.’

I drank Sai Gon beer (so light I think I can drink most guys under the table) and ate scallops in a garlic, butter, chili sauce; mussels in a peanut, green onion oil that was fried and had a conch shell. Yes, those things from the ocean you put up to your ear to hear sounds from. I ate the inside of that. Even the part that I was sure was a penis. I ate it all. And I liked it.

Eating my way to happiness
Eating my way to happiness

The next stop was to eat grilled shrimp (The next stop was to eat grilled shrimp (I got to pick mine out), snails, and clams in a salty broth. We also had crackers with sesame seeds in them, and honestly, I thought it couldn’t get any better than this.

Eating my way to happiness
Eating my way to happiness
Eating my way to happiness
Eating my way to happiness
Eating my way to happiness
Eating my way to happiness

After even more beer and a couple of scratching games, we decided to hit our final spot, which was a place with a better bathroom. I went from nasty to alright; I got a toilet seat! You know, when I’m happy that I don’t have to squat, things are ridiculous. So the fancy pants street food place served us crab hotpot. OH YES…mutha%$#!@ hotpot with a crab in it.
Before that, though, we got a giant oyster, and it was cut up for me, and I partook in the wasabi challenge. I passed, barely, but I seriously thought I might kill over and die at that moment. After that, I got a chance to cool my mouth by eating some winter melon in a rice patty crab broth with some saltwater blue crab. DELICIOUS, my friends, delicious. I finished my night with a Sapporo beer and then was dropped off after I hugged Barbara and bowed to Vu. While in the car, Barbara suggested that I go with her to eat some French food next week. I said I was free, and she smiled.


I nodded. I’m ready to do this again, but this time, it wouldn’t be a tour. It would be two friends enjoying a meal together. Perfect.

Eating my way to happiness